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"Emotion is the chief source of all becoming conscious. There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion"

C.G. Jung

About Galin McGowan

I have been a practicing, certified, Jungian analyst since 2002 and a psychotherapist for over 20 years. My Master’s Degree is in traditional Counseling and Psychotherapy obtained from the University of Colorado. I specialized in Marriage and Family Therapy, which led me to include the concept of “Family Archetypes” into my practice with clients, which furthered my interest in the psychology of C. G. Jung, known formally as Analytical Psychology.  Additionally, my interest in the spiritual nature of the psyche, dreams, and the effects of the unconscious on psychological health led me to pursue advanced training at the C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich, Switzerland where I obtained my diploma in 2002.

To be professionally certified with the title of Jungian Analyst and recognized by the International Association of Analytical Psychology, (IAAP) one must complete a rigorous four to eight-year academic program, along with a personal analysis of two years prior to program entrance followed by a training analysis of four to seven years, psychiatric internship, supervised clinical work and diploma dissertation.

Carl Jung believed the analytic training to be of the greatest importance to the work of becoming an analyst and for providing the best care for patients. In Jung’s words “No one who has not experienced analysis in his own person has a right to practice it. This is my firm conviction and I shan’t budge from it under any circumstances. If you agree with this, then we can consider further possibilities” (Jung in letter to Danzer-Vanotti, 1932) There are currently about 3000 Certified practicing Jungian Analysts globally.  The accrediting professional organization (IAAP) holds a Congress every four years to address the needs of recognized training institutes, maintain ethical standards of practice, and support the promotion of Jungian Psychology world-wide.


I also hold a Baccalaureate degree in Geology and a Master’s degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering. I am inspired by the beauty and mystery of nature and believe a connection to the natural world contributes to nourishment of the soul. Jung descries the importance of connection to the primordial self, the natural instincts, and conscious connection between one’s animal and divine nature.  In his words, “without my piece of earth, my life’s work would not have come into being…. I derive a great deal of pleasure from growing my own potatoes.”

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