Presentation Topics
Divine Imagination; Creativity, Curiosity and
The Evolution of Consciousness
Blessings From The Unconscious; Waking A Dream Into Matter
The Complex Uncovered- Analysis, EMDR and Bio/Neurofeedback
Jung and Teilhard de Chardin; The Noosphere Of The Collective Mind; Toward Symbolic Language
The Otherworld Of Celtic Lore; Right Here, Right Now
Archetypes In Irish Films
Curiosity As A Function Of Care
Wounded World; Contemporary Dreams of Environmental
Anxiety and Jung On Nature
Improv and The Unconscious; Speaking The Unspoken
Bestiae Eternus - Mythological Wonder Beasts Creeping into Contemporary Society
Alchemy- Exploring Image and Language of Individuation in Alchemy Through the Splendor Solis Series.
Odillon Redon- Dream Painting and Active Imagination
Paradox - The Major and Minor Virtues and Vices
The Divided Self – Madness and Mood